Merlins Club

Merlins Club, founded by Fleur Cooper, excels in crafting luxurious experiences with creating magic events for over 20 years. Partnering with Spencer, they create bespoke services and forge the strongest, most beautiful connections with each client. 

With a little Black Book of magic, Merlins Club grants its clients special access to extraordinarily unique experiences and opportunities. Whoever you wish to meet, wherever you want to go – from the bottom of the ocean to outer space – Merlins Club knows the very best and will be delighted to connect you. 

At Merlins Club, it is both a passion and a vocation to celebrate each individual and deliver a personalised service that helps you to get the most out of life. This is about carving out a dream, and bringing something magical to life.

Merlins magic

The Club’s holistic services span all things luxury, from bespoke travel and hospitality experiences to one-off events and entertainment.

Merlins Club is about creating and growing strong relationships built on trust and confidence. Each unique project begins with a deep understanding of the Member, and develops with personal Member’s involvement and vision.

Merlins Club is for those who want to enrich their life with creativity, adventure and excitement… we invite you to learn more.

Fleur Cooper – CEO

Fleur’s flair for the flamboyant led her to founding corporate and luxury hospitality company Nastrovia in her early twenties. This first foray into the world of luxury began the process of building an impressive network of strong relationships, which exist to this day to the benefit of Members. 

The foundations of the Merlins Club philosophy for delivering the exceptional were laid during Nastrovia’s growth into a leading luxury lifestyle management company. 

Nastrovia’s success preceded a merger with Lillingston, where Fleur became an integral part of a strong team on the top of their game, growing her experience and expertise in the field during a 7 year spell.

Spencer Brown – COO

As COO of Merlins Club, Spencer’s warmth and friendliness infuse his leadership, guiding a team dedicated to delivering luxury experiences with a touch of Merlins magic. With a rich background in producing international events and curating high-end itineraries for the most discerning clients, Spencer brings invaluable expertise to his role.

Over his eight years working together with Fleur, he has perfected the art of building deep, meaningful relationships with each client. His commitment ensures that every bespoke experience is not only extraordinary but also imbued with the unique, magical touch.

Crafting experiences with expertise you can trust

We are dedicated to creating the perfect experiences for our clients, drawing from the strength and expertise of our seasoned team. With over 15 years of experience, our team members are not just professionals but true specialists in their fields. From lifestyle and cultural curators to marketing and communications experts, as well as technical support and finance professionals, we bring together the right skills to ensure your event is a resounding success. With us, you can trust that every detail will be meticulously crafted to exceed your expectations.

  • Madeleine Hand – Senior connector and event producer

  • Leanne Richards – Event designer

  • Ryan Hanson – Producer and Choreographer

  • Devin Dewar – Marketing & Comms

  • Sarah Lansell – Marketing and press

  • Leanne Dewar – Social Curator

  • Davod Mozafari – Technical

  • Marco Di Franco – Accountant